In "Gynandromorph"

And will the other butterflies tease it?

In "Scottish explorer goes missing on Mt. Ararat"


In "A brief, incomplete and mostly wrong history of programming languages,"

Just when I was getting bored, I got to: 1964 - John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz create BASIC, an unstructured programming language for non-computer scientists. 1965 - Kemeny and Kurtz go to 1964.

In "Shanghai Is Trying to Untangle"

I usually wear the FATSO size but sometimes I need to go for the LARD BUCKET.

In "The Alot is Better Than You at Everything."

I wonder if they're related to the axolotl.

In "A vegetarian Komodo Dragon relative long known to native Filipino hunters but unknown to science has been discovered."

So, you're saying I shouldn't reply to that spam saying I could double my number of penises?

In "Cap'n Crunch"

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